1511 Research Technology Development and Innovation Projects in Priority Areas G. P
Scope and Aim of the Program
The aim of the 1511 coded R&D Support Program in Priority Areas is to support and to coordinate national R&D projects which are result oriented, have traceable targets and observe the dynamics of related priority areas. With this Program, it is aimed at;
- increasing technological competence and knowledge,
- evaluating existing capabilities in different areas,
- developing unique technologies,
- gaining acceleration in technological development.
In the 1511 coded R&D Support Program in Priority Areas, it is very important to determine the country's needs and to guide the organizations in terms of technology, to trigger capacity building in areas where capacity is not sufficient, and to provide sustainable technological development in the long term with project-based supports in the short and medium term.
It is also aimed in 1511 Program to fund R&D projects that are submitted within Technology Focused Industry Movement Program calls. The purpose of increasing the value-added production in Turkey, Technology Focused Industry Movement Program is a special program for concentrating the supports and incentives provided by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, TÜBİTAK and KOSGEB to the medium-high and high-tech sectors. R&D incentives, investment incentives and KOSGEB incentives will be given through a single platform. This program is a call based program and it provides grant support by 1511 Priority Areas Research Technology Development and Innovation Program for the R&D projects aiming to produce the products included in Priority Product List.
Information about the Support
- The subject and scope of the projects to be supported under the program and the conditions for the application are specified in call announcements.
- The projects are evaluated in one step by getting direct project proposal.
- Project limits are specified in the call announcement. SMEs receive 75% and large firms receive 60% of all eligible project expenditures as grants.
- 10% of expenses are also included in the budget as compensation of project based overhead expenses.
- If requested, multiple pre-payments are made to companies.