Project Status : Active
Updated Date : 27.04.2021


For the insured who were hired and covered between 01.01.2018 and 31.12.2020;

For businesses operating in the manufacturing or informatics sector, all of the premiums of insured and employers' shares calculated on the basis of premium earning, not exceeding the gross minimum wage;

For businesses operating in other sectors, all of the premiums of the insured and employers calculated over the lower earnings subject to premium;

Are met by the Unemployment Insurance Fund. The period to benefit from the support is 12 months, and this period is 18 months from the date of employment of the insured for women older than 18 years old, male insured over 18 and under 25 years old as of the date of employment, and insured persons registered as disabled to the Turkish Employment Agency.


In terms of Insured:

To be hired between 01.01.2018 and 31.12.2020,

Being unemployed registered with the Turkish Employment Agency,

Not being insured within the scope of Clauses 4 / 1- (a) and (c) of Law No.5510, Annex 6, Clause 1 of Annex 9 and Clause 4/1-b of Law No.5510 except for optional insurance for more than 10 days in the monthly premium and service documents given to the Social Security Institution for the three months before the date of their employment,

Employment of the insured in addition to the average number of insured notified to the Social Security Institution in the calendar year preceding the year of employment,

In terms of Workplace:

Being a private sector employer,

Submission of monthly premium and service documents or withholding and premium service declarations to the Social Security Institution within the legal period, if the workplace operates in the manufacturing or information sector, with the law number 17103, and the law number 27103 if the workplace operates in other sectors,

Payment of accrued premiums within the legal period,

The workplace does not have any debts of overdue premium, unemployment insurance premium, administrative fine and related delay penalty and delay increase to the Social Security Institution, although these debts have been structured or in installments,

Structured or installment debts are paid on time and regularly,

Not employing unregistered insured or not reporting fake insured,