Within the scope of the "Regulation on Increasing Efficiency in the Use of Energy Resources and Energy", support is given for the implementation of Efficiency Increasing Projects (VAP) in Industrial Enterprises.
Projects prepared for the implementation of the precautions determined by the energy study in industrial companies and to provide energy savings are referred to as the Efficiency Increasing Project (VAP).
VAP is prepared in order to apply the necessary measures to eliminate energy waste, losses and inefficiencies in industrial enterprises.
Businesses operating under a chamber of commerce, chamber of commerce or chamber of industry and producing all kinds of goods, with annual total energy consumption of 500 TEP and above, can benefit from VAP support.
In order to benefit from the support, enterprises must be registered in the energy efficiency portal and submit their energy consumption information of the previous year to the Energy Efficiency and Environment Department by the end of March every year. In addition, it is required to obtain a document regarding TS EN ISO 50001 Energy Management System or to submit a document showing that the application has been made. Applications are received in January every year. The Presidency will not receive an application by announcing it on the website and may receive applications in more than one term.
Project Implementation Price : Most 5.000.000 TL
Project Implementation Period : Most 2 Years
Project Payback Period : Most 5 Years
Support Upper Limit : 1.500.000 TL
Support Lower Limit : none
Support Rate : 30% of the Project Implementation Fee
Support Type : Grant