Entrepreneur's Handbook

Entrepreneur's Handbook



There are many factors that cause success or failure in entrepreneurship. It is vital to identify these factors with a business plan and plan their response in advance. While preparing a business plan, many questions are searched for, but it is possible to group these questions that need answers or the main elements of the business plan under three headings. These are business idea, network and finance. This section provides information about the financial resources needed for the enterprise and their characteristics.

It is of vital importance for the entrepreneur to be able to provide funds in sufficient amounts and under suitable conditions. In our country, not only newly established businesses, but even most micro, small and medium sized enterprises have to close because they cannot find sufficient and timely funds.

In surveys conducted with entrepreneurs and SMEs established by them, access to financial resources is expressed as the most important reason for success or failure. Although this order of importance varies according to the venture stage, the importance of access to financial resources in the success of the enterprise cannot be denied.