Project Status : Active
Updated Date : 27.04.2021


The purpose of the credit is to strengthen investments that reduce foreign dependency and current account deficit, create import substitution, contribute to localization, increase exports, create new jobs, and produce high value-added production in line with Turkey's sustainable development goals.

Within the scope of the program, investment credits are offered in TL with a fixed interest rate of 7.75%, with a maturity of up to 10 years.

The lower limit of the credit per company is 20 million TL, and the upper limit is 400 million TL.

The total resource allocated to the program is 18 billion TL.

Firms that have received investment incentive certificates to invest in priority sectors announced by the bank (see priority sectors list) can benefit from the credit.

A grace period of up to 24 months is offered, provided that the credit is within the term.

The company must not have started the investment within the scope of the investment incentive certificate or have made an investment expenditure within the 12-month period before June 5, 2020.

The companies should not have protests that have not been removed in the last 3 years.

The bankruptcy of the company should not be requested or there should be no bankruptcy postponement.

If the company has requested concordatum, it must be at least 1 year after the completion of this request.

The company should not have enforcement proceedings or seizures that will affect its activities.

The manufacture of alcoholic beverages, beer, malt and tobacco products are excluded.

Collateral may be requested from the investor by the bank. The bank will charge a commission of 1% for credits up to 5 years and 2% for credits with a longer term.

Registration and application are free of charge, and an evaluation fee of 25,000 TL will be requested from projects that are in the pre-evaluation stage.

The credit is subject to Bank Insurance Transaction Tax (BITT) and cannot be used for refinancing.