Entrepreneur's Handbook
How was Youtube established?
How was YouTube, which occupies a big place in our lives today? How did it come to such a great success in such a short time?
YouTube was founded in 2005 in a garage office by these three young entrepreneurs, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. One of the founders, Hurley Design, Chen and Karim were PayPal employees who graduated from the computer department.
They Wanted to Share Their Own Videos
Chen and Hurvey, who worked together at PayPal, wanted to share the photos and videos they took at their home party in January 2005. However, the large size of the videos and photos caused them difficulties. Thereupon, the two friends wanted to find a solution to this. And they decided to come up with a solution that allows the sharing of large files. Then, YouTube.com, which released its first test video in May, literally started broadcasting in December.
YouTube's story actually contains some difficulties and obstacles. When the project first went live, things went bad. It even came to life with new developments when it was on the brink of bankruptcy. In fact, the initial investment came much earlier than expected. Much later, it became a platform where an average of 100 million short videos were watched per day.
It Received Investment In The Year It Was Found
In the first months of YouTube, it was only advancing with entrepreneurial funding. In the same year, he received an investment of 11.5 million dollars from Sequoia Capital. In 2006, it was bought by Google for $ 1.65 billion. YouTube's office, which is currently operating by Google, is in California.
Google stated that it bought the YouTube platform because it was suitable for its missions, but that YouTube was an independent brand in line with the agreement. In addition, according to the agreement, YouTube has reached an agreement on the employment of 67 employees and company founders in the company.
YouTube, which joins forces with Google under an agreement, allows companies to accept different distribution agreements. In this way, YouTube will be able to step into agreements that can improve itself, thanks to Google.
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