Entrepreneur's Handbook

Entrepreneur's Handbook


The venture can be carried out by human beings and their structures. Therefore, there is an entrepreneurship story behind every initiative. Since the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship are mentioned in detail in the relevant sections, this section includes the subjects of the venture and the entrepreneur's responsibilities.

It is possible to mention some ventures for social or aid purposes, mainly for commercial purposes. Although commercial ventures for profit have been discussed as per our subject, it can be said that the explanations given here are also valid for almost all non-profit ventures. Because every venture is also a resource use, and the use of all kinds of resources affects the environment and society concerned either positively or negatively.

Those who form ventures, make decisions and direct the applications of enterprises are mostly entrepreneurs. The corporate responsibilities of the ventures therefore coincide with the responsibilities of the entrepreneur. Here, while talking about the responsibilities of ventures in the corporate sense, the responsibilities of managers and decision makers and implementers other than the entrepreneur should also be mentioned. Therefore, besides the entrepreneur's responsibilities, the responsibilities of professional managers, decision makers and implementers are also in question. Similar to the responsibilities of the entrepreneur to be expressed in this section, it is thought that the responsibilities of those in this position are also mentioned, although they are less inclusive.

In addition to the individual and social responsibilities of the individual, who is in almost every position and performs his / her own duties, it is deemed appropriate to include the entrepreneur's exemplary responsibilities under a separate title in this section. In this context, the individual and social responsibilities of the entrepreneur and the responsibility to set an example are explained with examples below.

2.1. Individual Responsibilities

First of all, the responsibilities of the human being as a part of society are mentioned. By fulfilling each person's individual responsibilities, the relationships within the group and society become more predictable. In other words, as a result of the strong awareness of individual responsibilities, social life is also more predictable and easier.

Fulfilling individual responsibilities in the family, among neighbors, friends and social circles and in business life leads to the relief of relations within the group or society. Social costs are reduced at the same time as the fulfillment of individual responsibilities.

By fulfilling their individual responsibilities regarding their health, people reduce the burden on the health system while keeping social security costs at a low level and contributing to the allocation of sufficient time and opportunities for individuals with more urgent health needs. The person who fulfills the responsibility of not polluting his environment and the person who acts in accordance with the rules in the traffic both facilitate the lives of other people and reduce the compensation costs.

Individual responsibilities of enterprises in terms of product development, production, procurement, marketing and after-sales services can be mentioned. At this point, besides the production according to the needs, the effective and efficient use of resources, and making more contributions to the user or customer by observing the adaptation to new technologies can be counted among the responsibilities of each enterprise. Along with the individual responsibilities for all these activities, the responsibilities of fulfilling the wages and working rights of those who perform these works and protecting the rights of other stakeholders cannot be ignored.

2.2. Social Responsibilities

Note that each individual responsibility has a social responsibilities interface. Moreover, this interface is not always easy to distinguish. Because serious social and social costs may arise with the failure to fulfill individual responsibility.

In this context, someone who does not drive properly in traffic or behave as a pedestrian may face responsibilities towards other people who will experience a limited number of negativity in the first place as a result of such actions against their individual responsibilities. When evaluated in general, the impact of such actions on the whole society in the context of their costs to the health and social security system is encountered.

In this sense, corporate efforts related to social responsibility are needed to direct people from individual responsibility to awareness of their social responsibilities. It can be said that mostly encouraging or guiding institutional arrangements are important for people to act on their social responsibilities as individuals. For this reason, it should not be expected that the individual's social responsibilities are remembered by himself or that learning these responsibilities is not left to chance. (Torlak and Tiltay, 2017:23). The situation is very similar in terms of initiatives. As a result of the disruption of some individual enterprise responsibilities, for example, it may be faced with the result that sufficient supply cannot be put to the market and therefore the demand cannot be met. For example, if a baker cannot do the flour supply planning, which is the most basic input in terms of procurement responsibility, or cannot manage production planning by not paying the electricity bill on time, it will cause the markets and grocery stores to not get enough bread as their customers and therefore the demands of the bread consumers cannot be met. Similarly, if a venture producing sheet metal or bolt fails to deliver its orders to its customers at the promised amount in terms of individual responsibilities, social consequences may arise from not fulfilling its individual responsibilities. Accordingly, another entrepreneur could not complete his promised order on time, the roof of a school or a factory would not be closed on time, and various grievances, social and economic costs occur one after the other.

As can be seen from this and many other similar examples, individual responsibilities should not be oversimplified. Just as a teacher disrupting his individual responsibilities may result in a social responsibility issue such as the poor upbringing of young people as the future of societies, it should not be forgotten that an initiative will bring along social responsibility issues that are difficult to calculate their own responsibilities and require very high compensation.

2.3. The Entrepreneur's Responsibility to Set an Example

Considering the fact that individual and social responsibilities are so intertwined, the responsibility of entrepreneurs as the main owner and driver of the enterprise becomes even more important. It can be easily stated that the responsibility of the entrepreneur to be an example has become an even more important issue in the context of the example of our country, which includes an accumulation of ahi-order organization in its historical background. Considering that, in recent years, the corruption in the moral values of the society and consequently the moral values in the business world have been weakened, the responsibility of the entrepreneur to be an example is an issue that requires more emphasis.

As a society with a history of craftsmanship, it should be sadly expressed that the number of negative examples is increasing day by day in the responsibilities of being an example in these matters. While making such a judgment, we would like to express that we do not ignore the good examples and our entrepreneurs who have shown these good behaviors and we owe them thanks.

The entrepreneur should not forget that he is the person who has the responsibilities to keep his word, not to promise that they cannot fulfill their rights, to pay their suppliers and employees on time, to add value to the product they produce and to not sell products that will harm their customers or that they think will harm themselves or their business or that will not work for them, try to do their job without cheating while competing, informing the customer correctly and to be examples in many similar subjects. It is a well-known fact that these examples expressed in today's business world where the approach of winning at any cost is dominant, are often and often evaluated as "foolishness" or, with the more innocent expression, "naivety". However, let us state right away that the complaint that the economy and therefore the business world needs moral values after every economic crisis period shows us that the responsibility of the entrepreneur to be an example in the business world is an indispensable responsibility.

In an economy, the most important ground that will support the responsibility of the entrepreneur to be an example is the moral values of that society and the legal norms that guide business life. Moral values and legal norms, on the one hand, form the ethical foundations of the enterprise, on the other hand, guide the ethical principles that the entrepreneur should have.