Entrepreneur's Handbook

Entrepreneur's Handbook


Intellectual Property Rights, which ensure the ownership and protection of information from the moment it is produced, are the main pillars of today's knowledge economies. Intellectual Property refers to intellectual rights on intellectual and artistic works. With this feature, Intellectual Property provides significant competitive advantages to the owner or organization.

The Intellectual Property owner is the only authority at the point of use of the right. It may choose not to share this right in any way, to control it with certain restrictions or to share it freely. This freedom of use provides the opportunity for the inventor or the owner of the work to direct the relevant development in that field. Entrepreneurs or businesses that use this opportunity correctly for a certain period of time gain significant advantages over their competitors.

In order for Intellectual Property Rights to have the expected effect, it is necessary to ensure that the products subject to these rights are brought to the economy and commercialized. In other words, Intellectual Property Rights that cannot be converted into value through commercialization will not provide the expected contribution to both the inventor and the country's economy.

Intellectual Property also plays an important role in combating counterfeit and pirated products. With this role, it increases the awareness of the respect and protection of labor in the society. For this reason, the dissemination and establishment of Intellectual Property culture in both economic and social fields is of great importance